REPL Reference
The Repl
class is used for executing multiple instructions on a ForeverVM machine.
Each instruction will share any state from previous instructions — just like a real Python REPL. This means you can, for example, define a function with one instruction and call it in the next.
Instantiate the client with your ForeverVM API token:
from forevervm_sdk import Repl
repl = Repl("your_forevervm_token")
import { Repl } from '@forevervm/sdk'
const repl = new Repl({ token: "your_forevervm_token" });
If you store your API token in the FOREVERVM_TOKEN
environment variable, the ForeverVM
client will detect it:
from forevervm_sdk import Repl
repl = Repl()
import { Repl } from '@forevervm/sdk'
const repl = new Repl();
To connect to a specific machine, you can pass the machine name when instantiating a Repl
from forevervm_sdk import Repl
repl = Repl(machine_name="9kaTDWiKdAvaIZNE")
import { Repl } from '@forevervm/sdk'
const repl = new Repl({ machine: "9kaTDWiKdAvaIZNE" });
Running Code
To run code on the machine, use Repl.exec
instruction = repl.exec("1 + 1")
const instruction = repl.exec("1 + 1");
synchronously returns an object with the following type definition:
class ExecResultBase(TypedDict): runtime_ms: int
class ExecResultValue(ExecResultBase): value: Optional[str] data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
class ExecResultError(ExecResultBase): error: str
ExecResult = ExecResultValue | ExecResultError
class StandardOutput(TypedDict): stream: Literal["stdout"] | Literal["stderr"] data: str
class ReplExecResult: result: ExecResult output: Generator[StandardOutput, Any, None]
interface ExecResponse { value?: string | null data?: { [key: string]: unknown } error?: string runtime_ms: number}
interface StandardOutput { stream: 'stdout' | 'stderr' data: string seq: number}
interface ReplExecResult { result: Promise<ExecResponse>; output: AsyncIterableIterator<StandardOutput, void, unknown>}
Getting Results
If the instruction is an expression that evaluates to a value, it will be available as a string on the result
instruction = repl.exec("1 + 1")
print(instruction.result["value"]) # "2"
const instruction = repl.exec("1 + 1");
const result = await instruction.result;console.log(result.value); // "2"
Getting Output
Anything logged to stdout or stderr can be found on the output
instruction = repl.exec("for i in range(3): print(i)")
for output in instruction.output: print(output["stream"], output["data"])
const instruction = repl.exec("for i in range(3): print(i)");
for await (const output of instruction.output) { console.log(,;}
is an iterable, so you can traverse it in a loop.
Handling Errors
If the call to Repl.exec
results in a Python exception within the interpreter, it will be available as a string on the result.error
instruction = repl.exec("1 / 0")
print(instruction.result["error"])# """# Traceback (most recent call last):# File "<foreverVM>", line 1, in <module># ZeroDivisionError: division by zero# """
const instruction = repl.exec("1 / 0");
const result = await instruction.result;console.log(result.error);// `// Traceback (most recent call last):// File "<foreverVM>", line 1, in <module>// ZeroDivisionError: division by zero// `
If the call to Repl.exec
results in an error communicating with the ForeverVM machine (for example, if you lose your Internet connection) instruction.result
will raise an exception.